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Sunday, August 2, 2009

Top student

This is the chart of one of my students who obtained straight As in the pre-u exams 2 years ago. He is currently in the 2nd year in a local university studying to be a doctor. He's also a very talented drummer. A future doctor that rocks or a future rocker that cures?

Either way, his chart is a fake vibrant chart with earth stars in 7 palaces. His favourable stars are the fire and the earth stars. With so much strongly rooted earth self stars, he's a popular person among his friends and he should be a successful doctor as the earth self stars also represent his wealth.

However, there is a minor glitch in his chart. There is a double zi-wei confusion harm affecting the spouse palace and the positive spouse stars of earth and negative spouse star of water. I told him 2 years ago that these harms can cause him to be confused with his feelings. True enough, he broke off with his girlfriend recently, sighting lost of feelings for her. Perhaps, in this ji-chou year, another target has appeared as ji is revealed in the stem.


  1. hi,

    In Ji Chou year, Zi in the spouse palace had combine with the Zi and transform into earth (self) that "ke" the spouse palace.

    This guy, Gui being the Zheng Cai (wealth star), sitting at spouse palace, (one marriage will not last until old). Gui is subject to change. He should be more aware and take note during every "Chen" year, as the secret combo between the Zi and Chen will take place.


  2. Hi Shi Xiang,

    Agree with you. Hope he's aware of the hidden combo.


  3. hi,

    isn't this earth DM already strong being born in summer month and with so many surrounding earths? so lucky elements should be metal, wood & water?
