Very often, we have seen rich people losing much of their wealth because of their complacency and carelessness. All these can be avoided if they knew the contents of their bazi charts.
The above chart belongs to a 57 years old man who has this story to tell.
"During my younger days, earning money was very easy. I used to plant all kind of fruits and the good harvests soon made me a millionaire. Everything was so smooth back then. Due to my carelessness, I was cheated a few times. There was once, a sweet-talking lady cheated me of a very large amount of money. Even my wife took much of my money. We have since separated, although officially we are still husband and wife. Nowadays, I drive a bus for a living. I guess the good times are over."
This is a weak ding DM. His resource, officer and wealth stars are all protruding in the stems. As such, this chart has potential of making it big. This kind of chart harness wealth through self stars and wealth stars. His metal wealth stars are strongly rooted in the month branch. However, his useful god, the jia wood star is floating without any roots in the branches. This has affected the quality of the chart.
The problems of this chart lie in the earthly branches. The zi-wu clash caused him to lose money for trusting people too easily since the zi is a resource star. The si-shen destruction affects both the fire and metal stars that represent his money. Well, this is the destruction that caused him to lose much of his money to his wife since it affects his spouse palace.
The only negative star in this kind of chart is the output star. Unfortunately for him, he has entered the wu-yin LP with the negative wu earth protruding.
However, I believe that he still has some savings and he is now keeping a low profile which is the best for him.